Come experience how HEAT Software can increase IT effectiveness, service productivity and customer satisfaction!

Discover what comes “out-of-the-box” and HEAT’s latest software capabilities (HEAT 9.5.1, HSS 9.5, HPK 9.5).

Please join Kifinti for this FREE webinar, where you can observe a LIVE HEAT demo and become introduced to the following HEAT value-added solutions:

  • Customer self-service
  • Web access for analysts
  • Knowledge management
  • Asset management
  • Business process automation
  • Voice integration

Whether supporting customers, employees, vendors, and/or clients, HEAT is the ideal resource for superior, results-driven service & support. HEAT Software continues to excel in dynamic, help/service desk solutions for corporate customer service & HR departments, as well as successfully achieving technology management requirements.

 For more information about HEAT, call 416.875.5662 or